California Fire Department Employs Samsung Mobile Devices to Meet First Responder Challenges

Samsung Galaxy Tab S4s and S10s help the Corona, CA’s firefighters and paramedics better communicate and report throughout the course of their duty.
Corona Fire Department in California is transforming how it delivers intelligence to its first responders with Samsung mobile devices. Equipped with Android Team Awareness Kit (ATAK) and ImageTrend software, Samsung Galaxy Tab S4s and S10s help the city’s firefighters and paramedics better understand and communicate with each other throughout emergency situations, as well as streamline reporting. Secured by Samsung Knox security platform, the devices are safely encrypted and HIPAA-compliant.
Located in southern California, the city of Corona’s fire department serves a population of more than 200,000 people, and fields approximately 13,000 emergency calls every year. Given the recent increase in regional wildfires, as well as the need for frequent remote rescues in Corona’s recreational areas, advanced technology is crucial.
Bridging the gap between drones in the air and teams on the ground, the Galaxy devices leverage ATAK to deliver geo-located livestreamed content in topographic maps. First responders have advanced mapping at their disposal while on the go—from drawing a geofence around a hot zone to locating a lost or injured hiker in the mountains using livestreamed drone footage to direct rescuers on the ground.