Samsung Donates $100,000 to Construction of Columbia, SC Fisher House

The Columbia Fisher House will be the third of four new homes built with Samsung’s support since the partnership with Fisher House Foundation was established in 2015, including Charleston, SC (opened 2018) and Palo Alto, CA (opened 2019).
There’s no place like home, but when that isn’t an option for our nation’s military families, finding a ‘home away from home’ is the next best thing – and that’s where Fisher House Foundation comes in.
Fisher House is expanding its network of 84 comfort homes to the capitol city of South Carolina where military and veterans’ families will be able to stay at no cost while a loved one is receiving medical treatment. As a partner since 2015, Samsung is thrilled to be a part of this endeavor. Yesterday, in the State House, the company announced a donation of $100,000 to the future house as a principal constructor donor.

Pictured from left to right: Megan Pollock, VP of Strategic Communications at Samsung Electronics America, Peggy McMaster, South Carolina First Lady, and Bill Dukes, Chairman of Friends of Fisher House, Columbia.
This donation to Fisher House Foundation brings the Columbia location closer to the necessary funds to break ground on this life-changing resource provided to service members, veterans and their families. Once opened, the Columbia Fisher House will welcome guests on the campus of Dorn VA Medical Center, as well as those veterans being treated at the William Jennings Bryan VA Medical Center. The Columbia Fisher House will be the second of the organization’s houses in the state, and with over 90,000 veterans and activity military in the Dorn VA service area, will help tremendously.

The Columbia Fisher House will be the third of four new homes built with Samsung’s support since the partnership with Fisher House Foundation was established in 2015, including Charleston, SC (opened 2018) and Palo Alto, CA (opened 2019).
Samsung’s business, workforce and community engagement in South Carolina has blossomed significantly over the past two years. In 2017, Samsung expanded its footprint in the U.S. with a new $380 million home appliance manufacturing facility in Newberry County, which now has more than 800 employees. In 2018, Samsung was a principal construction donor for the Charleston Fisher House, which has 16 rooms and has serviced 1325 families since it opened. And, now, Samsung is excited to continue to deepen roots with our partners by investing in a second Fisher House within the state.
“Supporting the Fisher House initiative in Columbia is incredibly important to the Samsung family,” said Megan Pollock, vice president of strategic communications at Samsung Electronics America. “Since making Newberry our home to Samsung’s first home appliance manufacturing facility, we have continued to support the local community and more specifically veterans and their families across the Midlands.”

South Carolina First Lady speaks during the announcement of Samsung’s $100,000 donation to Fisher House Foundation on Aug. 28, 2019 in South Carolina.
“Fisher Houses are built on partnerships. And partnership begins with community,” said Dave Coker, President of Fisher House Foundation. “My deepest thanks to Samsung for its continued support to the Foundation. It’s what we do together that makes the greatest impact. Thank you for being part of that solution and thank you for your support to our military, veterans and their families.”
Not only will the new location provide a haven to South Carolina’s veterans and military families during times of crisis, but will also enable them to better connect and heal throughout their journey and path forward. When our local communities thrive, we at Samsung thrive too.