Samsung Introduces Knox Guard for Enterprises: Another Layer of Device Security

Samsung Electronics America, Inc. today expanded the Samsung Knox enterprise mobile security platform with the introduction of Samsung Knox Guard. This new risk management solution allows enterprise IT departments, telecom service providers, device financing, and insurance companies to remotely place a temporary lock on enrolled devices. Knox Guard’s ability to quickly make phones unusable can potentially deter theft and reduce the risk of fraud. Backed by Samsung’s hardware-level Knox security platform, Knox Guard offers additional protection through the product lifecycle.
Knox Guard provides businesses with an easy-to-use solution to reduce risks when a corporate-owned device is lost, stolen, or fraudulently reported as stolen. When these unforeseen situations occur, enterprise IT teams, carriers, and insurers can use Knox Guard to remotely place a temporary lock on the device, providing additional protection against unauthorized users from accessing its features and data.
Once locked, the device is effectively unusable by anyone who steals or fraudulently purchases it, preventing the device from being repurposed or illegally resold. Its secured data may not be accessed – locally or remotely. When the issue is resolved, an IT administrator can remotely and securely unlock a device through Knox Guard. Devices can also be unlocked when a Knox Guard administrator selects the unlock PIN option. A two-step verification system offers an alternative means for legitimate users and IT administrators, to unlock devices even without a network connection.