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Explore the Technology of the Future in ‘The End of the Beginning’


By Gus Warren, Managing Director of Samsung NEXT Ventures

There’s no debate that technology is rapidly transforming the way we live, work, and move about the world. As the venture capital arm of Samsung Electronics, Samsung NEXT was established for entrepreneurs who embrace, evolve and innovate around the transformation technology enables in every aspect of our lives.

Given all of the transformation of the past 30 years, one might think we are close to reaching a saturation point – or “peak tech.” At Samsung NEXT, we believe just the opposite — that we are on the cusp of a new era of technological transformation, evidenced by every company in the Samsung NEXT portfolio. That’s why we created a video series called “The End of the Beginning.”

SamsungNEXT-end of beginning main image

Across four critical fields — artificial intelligence, digital health, smart cities, and cybersecurity — the series looks at how technology is fundamentally reshaping our world for the better.

How today’s innovators are shaping the future

Everyday technologies of tomorrow will be defined by today’s breakthroughs, some of which Samsung believes will come from the startups and entrepreneurs featured in the series, who are setting the standard for innovation in their fields.

Intuition Robotics, for example, is working to bring autonomous machines to life. Through the use of AI and robotics, the company is redefining the relationship between humans and machines to create a smarter AI future. The company’s first product, ElliQ, is helping older adults to maintain healthier, more active, and engaged lives.

ElliQ is helping older adults to maintain healthier, more active, and engaged lives.


In the digital health sector, Glooko is using smart devices to transform diabetes management. Bringing treatment into the 21st century, the company designed a mobile app that patients can use to track and manage all aspects of their care while sharing their progress with doctors to manage their overall health.

David Conn, Chief Commercial Officer at Glooko

Cohero Health, another digital healthcare venture, is turning the tide for patients with respiratory problems from reactive to proactive care, with the goal of reducing emergency care situations and hospitalizations. The company’s two proprietary smart health devices, one that measures lung function and medication intake and a wirelessly connected mobile tracking app are redefining respiratory health management.

Meanwhile, HYPR is creating a way for companies to keep sensitive data safe from hackers. Their aim: to solve the problem of mass data breaches by helping companies decentralize their data storage systems and shift to a more secure passwordless biometric encryption of the data, accessible across all our devices.

Bojan Simic, Chief Technology Officer at HYPR

Bojan Simic, Chief Technology Officer at HYPR

Another technological evolution we’re focused on is the innovation happening around smart cities. With city traffic only increasing, Swiftly is harnessing big data and providing a platform, built by transportation experts, to make public transportation more efficient. Through proprietary algorithms that analyze billions of transit data points, the company’s technology allows cities to pinpoint transit problems earlier, helping to ease congestion, speed up public transit, and create a better experience for riders.

Jonathan Simkin, Founder & CEO of Swiftly

Jonathan Simkin, Founder & CEO of Swiftly

Join us on our journey of “The End of the Beginning” to get a glimpse of where Samsung NEXT entrepreneurs and their technologies are taking us for the future.

To see the full series, visit: or

About the Contributor 
Gus Warren is a Managing Director at Samsung NEXT Ventures. Based in New York, Gus focuses on early-stage investments in software, services, and media.

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