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Samsung Leads the Way in Driving Sustainability Solutions during Climate Week

Leading Tech and Policy Experts Discuss Climate Solutions at Samsung Electronics America and ITI Event in NYC


As Climate Week unfolds, Samsung in partnership with the Information Technology Industry (ITI) Council worked to bring together some of the most renowned climate experts in the tech industry to address solutions to combat climate change. In an event titled “Tech’s Playbook for Public-Private Climate Solutions,” both partners convened leading chief sustainability officers and notables from the Biden Administration and NY State government to discuss the important role of collaboration and being a model for other industries aiming to reduce their footprints.

Robert Strayer, ITI’s Executive Vice President of Policy highlighted the importance of collective action stating that “Reducing carbon emissions requires a meaningful global response from all sectors of society, including the private sector” while also underscoring the commitments of the tech industry to promoting global sustainability through innovation that enhances energy efficiency, reduces power consumption.


The event featured the U.S. General Services Administration’s Senior Advisor on Climate Jetta Wong, New York State’s Deputy Commissioner of Resiliency and Sustainability Emily Rubenstein, and chief climate officials from Samsung Electronics America, HP, Intel, and Accenture. The discussions focused on the key role tech plays in combatting climate change and how successful public-private partnerships between tech companies and the government can serve as models for other industries looking to reduce their climate footprint.

“At Samsung, we focus heavily on strategic partnerships that further this idea of everyday sustainability, taking small steps that can lead to a larger impact,” said Mark Newton, Head of Corporate Sustainability of Samsung Electronics America. “We know that progress not only looks like bold commitments but requires us to bring our partners and customers into our sustainability journey to help close the gap so that we can be a vital part of our local communities and help drive innovative climate solutions. Today’s event during Climate Week in collaboration with these leading tech companies is just one example of our commitment towards building momentum and action towards the future we all want.”

The panel discussion, moderated by Axios’ Senior Climate Reporter Andrew Freedman, provided insight from Chief Sustainability Officers from many of the world’s leading tech companies on accountability and reporting, the importance of leveraging technology to invest in carbon-free energy, the barriers companies face as they commit to sustainable practices, and more.

At Samsung, we embrace a vision of a greener future driven by everyday sustainability. Our products and user experiences are designed with a strong focus on eco-consciousness, conservation, and mindful manufacturing processes. As we continue to develop our family of products in the United States we take pride in showcasing our achievements in developing energy-efficient home appliances that have been recognized as such by ENERGY STAR as contributing to reducing our climate impact.


As of last year, 81% of our home appliances carried the ENERGY STAR certification. Moreover, many of our appliances are potentially eligible under the High-Efficiency Home Rebate Acts and the HOMES rebate program, enabling consumers to make US-made environmentally conscious choices, while saving money.

Samsung’s comprehensive U.S. sustainability strategy includes commitments to achieve enterprise-wide net-zero carbon emission for all our U.S. operations as part of our holistic approach to sustainability. The strategy also reflects Samsung’s dedication to addressing climate impacts at every stage of our product’s lifecycle, making sustainable innovation a central part of our experience.

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