Samsung Receives Zero Waste to Landfill Validations for All of its Global Semiconductor Manufacturing Sites

Samsung Austin Semiconductor
Samsung’s semiconductor sites are validated by UL for achieving Gold classification and above, affirming the company’s commitment to environmental stewardship throughout its operations
Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd., a world leader in advanced semiconductor technology, today announced that it has received UL’s Zero Waste to Landfill validation of Gold level and above for all of its global semiconductor operation sites. This signifies that Samsung’s semiconductor sites in South Korea, the United States and China meet the requirement of more than 95-percent waste diversion through methods that do not involve thermal processing. In particular, the Samsung DSR building in Hwaseong, Korea, home to most of its local semiconductor R&D staff, is validated for Zero Waste to Landfill at the Platinum level for reaching 100-percent waste diversion.

Samsung DSR building in Hwaseong
“The Zero Waste to Landfill Gold validation is testament to the care and effort by our employees around the world to protect the environment,” said Chanhoon Park, executive vice president of global infrastructure technology at Samsung Electronics. “Eco-friendly operations are now a must for any business and we will continue to ensure sustainable growth that is mindful of the environment that we live and operate in.”